SODALITE - Sodalite is a stabilizing stone that soothes nervousness. They are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth. TOPAZ - Blue in colour, this transparent and hard stone takes a high polish and makes a spectacular jewellery stone. This is a good stone for female troubles, and is of considerable aid during the birthing process. You will have fun just by looking at the list. There are 5 different senses of Gem stated below. There are hundreds of color varieties of this stone, and there are two types of Opal; the Common Opal and the Precious or Gem, Opal. Each stone resonates with a slightly different pattern geometrically. Though the Indian Agate Gemstone and its multiple qualities were known to the ancient sages, the scriptures written by them were either destroyed or buried with them. So red gem of third class semi precious stones are used commonly so that everyone can take advantage of it. Carnelian has a long and storied past, and was once considered strictly the property of the noble class. There are many kinds of healing gemstones, but it is one of the most important ones. All gemstones on this list have pictures with them. It is a powerful mental healer that increases vitality and a positive outlook. For this reason it is valuable in aid to personal articulation. It is said to bring love and understanding. All spiritual pursuits can be stimulated and amplified using this stone's energy. This is the list of all gemstones. Citrine can be used with meditation to rejuvenate the physical body as all the meridians and nadis are strengthened. Except for gemstones that are almost impossible to get are here. Underwater, it is frequently visited by the mermaid (see magickal totems). There is information about how difficult to get and quantity in the market on details page. Coral is a traditional gift for the expectant mother or newborn as a protective amulet. Stones are also mentioned in the Bible. Topaz also aids in stabilizing the emotions, and helps to slow or possibly reverse the aging process when the stone is meditated upon. This expression compares the girl to a gem.|She's really great or kind.|gem = precious stone by the sentence , the meaning coming out is that ' the character of the girl is auspicious like a precious stone. If you find a good gemstone for you, please check the details page. MOONSTONE -This is a highly beneficial gem that can be used with great results by all who want to keep their cool and be less affected by the changes in their surroundings said to relieve one of insomnia and low fever. Each different color focuses upon or corresponds to one of the seven main chakras. Gems are beautiful and sparkling. (emotional). It also stimulates all the meridians and accupressure points and can be warn anywhere on the body. INDIAN AGATE - No one till date has thought of writing about the Indian Agate Gemstone. In Medical Astrology this helps those suffering from heart ailments, gynaecological problems, epilepsy, mental ailments etc. It inspires inner discipline, the ability to respond to one's desires. More powerful for people in recovery when combined with Amethyst - The Stone of Sobriety. The Common Opal is characterized by its translucence and its palette of colors that include red, green, blue, and orange. The ancient Egyptian kings had immense faith in its powers and even believed that Peridot could break the evil spell and dig into the mysteries of the darkness. QUARTZ CRYSTAL - This stone amplifies prayers, wishes and positive visualizations. Who should wear it? It is a good etheric healer. Opal aids in bonding the crown and solar plexus chakras, giving a spiritual quality to the emotions. Howlite is calming because it encourages you to “live and let live”, letting go of attachments that are causing stress and encouraging you to enjoy your life as it is without worrying about what others are doing. CARNELIAN - Also referred to as cornelian, itis found primarily in India, as well as various sites in South America. It gives bulk of information about precious stone names in Urdu. With pearl there is an influence upon the stomach, spleen and intestinal tract, along with the vertebrae associated with these organs. It also controls flaring of temper and regulating ego problems. It can both draw and send energy. This helps one receive information from the higher self more easily. This promotes healing in the area of the stomach, intestines and general musculature. Aventurine has a stabilizing effect on the emotions. It is excellent in meditation as a thought amplifier and broadcaster. Excellent stone for initiating the process of centering and alignment of the total person with a Higher Power. AMETHYST - Benefits: It is traditionally considered, a great help, in getting rid of intoxication. Tanzanite is a gemstone that is in a category of Zoisite. Amethyst is a birthstone of people born in February but others may also wear it. Peridot completely aligns all the subtle bodies. It is even said that if you drink wine in a cup made of Amethyst, it will loose its intoxicating effect. Turquoise is a very unique gemstone, usually cut in a cabochon form and opaque meaning the gem is not transparent. Also widely used by people involved in occult sciences, as it is said to have impart strong spiritual powers. Garnet helps to align the emotional body to the spiritual body. Urdu meaning of Gem is کوئی قیمتی شے, it can be written as Koi Qeemti Shay in Roman Urdu. Tanzanite is known as a gemstone with meanings and effects of healing. It can assist in creativity, and help you to see the possibilities in new opportunities.It is used to aid nearsightedness. All gemstones list has a link to details on each gemstone. Within the West, individuals born within the month connected with May want to wear a Emerald Gemstone for good luck but this process identifying suitable birthstone by month is fairly arbitrary. Unfamiliar gemstones can be popular suddenly. The ancient Greeks made a distinction between precious and semiprecious gems, which is still used. It brings forth each person's strengths to share with the world, and each other. If you gamble or play the lotto, keep this stone in your left pocket. It is good for people who want to choose gemstones by intuition. The name Opal is from the Sanskrit upala, which means jewel. Protons, neutrons and electrons are flying around in an absolute bliss of balance and participation, upholding patterns of sacred geometry. As a thought amplifier, rose quartz helps one to increase personal expression and creativity. The emotional, mental and astral bodies are aligned also. It is said to bring love and understanding. Some use it to help relieve depression, digestive problems, constipation and diabetes. In the modern world, there is a dire need of people who can communicate in different languages. Because of this, it can stimulate resolution of the causal pictures gained during early childhood which generate anxieties and fears during the present time. Toll Free - USA & Canada only: 1-800-464-1640. International: +66-39303404 Pictures are also going to be updated. ... name The Urdu birthstone Dictionary meaning urdu Birthstone Urdu translation and: pin. Urdu Point gives the details of gemstones by month. This gem enhances sincerity in all relations of life. Please make full use of it to find your gemstone. Keeps you in touch with your spiritual side, and reminds you that you are a spiritual being, having a human experience. Works with all chakras and master gland. gem definition: 1. a jewel (= precious stone), especially when cut into a particular regular shape 2. someone or…. All gemstones that the owner have gotten and investigated are on the list. It stimulates the circulatory system, and aligns the etheric and emotional bodies. Amongst different gems, there are only four precious stones – Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald & Diamond. Try the warmth test holding a glass bracelet in one hand and your agate one in the other and see if you can tell the difference. You may find something new from there. Update information will be informed when a good picture is taken. It stimulates tissue regeneration in the physical body , for this reason it is excellent as a thought amplifier, broadcaster and storer. Howlite as a Gemstone Translation Context Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. Here is our guide to the most commonly used precious stones and semi-precious gemstones, crystals, and minerals and a list of their metaphysical symbolism, healing properties, powers, and spiritual meaning. Smokey Quartz aids in the alignment if the root, spleen and solar plexus chakras. ONYX - Enhances self mastery, steadfastness, and determination, setting ones mind to a task. Astral and emotional bodies are aligned and the nadis and meridans are strengthened. New types of gemstones are still discovered around the world. Originally, they related to the 12 gemstones appearing on the breastplate of the High Priest of the Isrealites described in the Book of Exodus. This is because the pearl has a strong connection with the moon and its cycles by virtue of the creature that produced it. Most imitation gemstones are synthetic gemstones that are produced in a lab to act as authentic gemstone substitutes. Please ask a specialty store if needed. 1998-NOW. This stone is believed to heal females suffering from gynaecological problems. Healing pendulums dowse the body's chakras, or energy centers, releasing blocked chi (energy). It can also help you become more attuned with planetary energies because it serves as a bridge linking sky and earth energies. TIGER'S EYE - Tiger eye is a balancing stone that helps to calm fears and give perspective to upsetting circumstances. It helps you to be receptive to higher guidance. Replies. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. (to carry the message... to those who still suffer...) This stone is very good for enhancing night vision, and can be of great help in developing the ability to see auras. You can check detailed meanings and effects by clicking the name. This causes a balancing of the blood flows and circulatory system. It is an excellent thought amplifier and increases intuition and the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are bonded to work together as a unit. Agate timulates th solar plexus chakra and has a balancing effect upon the colon, circulatory system, pancreas, lymphatic system, and the sinuses. It opens the abdominal chakra (solar plexus). AQUAMARINE - Said to enhance one's attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. It also increases the alignment between the astral, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The brow and crown chakras are also stimulated. As part of the trend, jewelry makers are using big, bold gems- many cut in a cubist manner, to give lots of splash for the money. A power stone for those who stand for justice and fair play, especially useful for those whose job it is rectify unjust situations. PERIDOT - Often confused with Emerald, Peridot is a beautiful transparent green stone that used to be worshipped by the people of Brazil. It is also considered a bolster remedy for physical disorders involving blood and bones, nourishing blood cells and strengthening the skeleton. Rose Quartz has a strong connection with the heart chakra. It also accentuates the receptive (feminine) qualities of the personality. It is good to wear lapis near the throat. Authentic Real Panna Gemstone is the May birthstone. You can see two examples of gemstone rings below. Tiger eye offers light to dark energies. It is a variety of chalcedony. "Mountain of light"), also spelt Kohinoor and Koh-i-Nur, is one of the largest cut diamonds in the world, weighing 105.6 carats (21.12 g). JASPER - Its a nurturing stone, a good stone for the healers to use on the behalf of others. The types of gemstones are increasing every year. Means it is kind of uncountable qualities.|@hk_me_ She's Precious, unique and priceless as gemstones. Gemstones are living creatures. Its clarity suggests its transparent function in storing and broadcasting information. There is a wide range of variety of gemstone types and it will be fun just by watching them. Calling these gemstones ‘semi-precious’ doesn’t mean that they are cheap gemstones. The Greeks believed that use of this gem gave un-ending love and affection. It also helps to align the etheric body to the physical, also cleanses the subtle bodies and meridians. It is forever associated with sacred things and considered the gem of gems, a jewel steeped in the history and lore of nearly every religion. What is the difference between precious stones and semi precious stones? It stimulates the throat, heart and spleen chakras, and aids in developing a willingness to serve others while maintaining an awareness of self. Who Should Wear Aquamarine? AVENTURINE - This is the stone of opportunity. Easy to cleanse, store information or energy in, program or amplify energy and heal with. All gemstones list has a link to details on each gemstone. LABRADORITE - Said to represent the "temple of the stars" , it brings clarity of thought, and the wisdom of other worlds and universes to us. Rutilated Quartz has the effect of stimulating all the chakras, meridians and nadis in a balanced manner. Pronunciation of Gemstones in roman Urdu is "gohar" and Translation of Gemstones in Urdu writing script is گوہر. Topaz opens the brow and solar plexus chakras. Alexandrite meaning always connects with the heart chakra. Powerful clear ones open Crown Chakra, good for meditation, sending or receiving guidance. There is information about how difficult to get and quantity in the market on details page. Oval is the most common cut but mixed cut, step cut etc. In addition, almost all of the gemstones are high-quality ones. It would be a good reference when you buy. 4. Sodalite is good for balancing the aggressive and receptive qualities within self. The gem comes in a variety of shades of blue, blue & black and also a blue/green with black. “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being” -Nikola Telsa Crystals hold the history of our world, and encapsulate eons of crystalline information, knowledge and wisdom. Good stone for channeling. Up until now the Indian Agate Gemstone only remained the stone of malas (garlands) for rishis, sadhus (holy men) and fakirs (sages ) or caught the eye in the West, where hippies made it their fashion jewelery, not knowing the marvelous astrocosmic and lunar effect that it has on human lives and their ruling star. It is excellent for teenagers. Reply Delete. It also balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This in turn promotes true rest, which is why it is known for helping with insomnia. All gemstones on this list have pictures with them. To hold a Rose Quartz up to our heart is to ask the structural patterns active in our subtle bodies to align themselves and operate effortlessly and with purity. Benefits: It is a gem that induces sleep and rest. It is not in complete alphabetical order, so please make sure on that. The traditional classification in the West, which goes back to the Ancient Greeks, begins with a distinction between precious and semi-precious stones; similar distinctions are made in other cultures. Lapis is very energizing to the throat chakra. A good stone for people in counseling or therapy, who want to overcome addictions or compulsive behavior, and gather up their strength for the battles ahead. Email me with your requirements and I will offer you best prices for rings in gold or silver. The highly conductive nature of copper stimulates the electromagnetic properties of the physical and subtle bodies. Occasionally, coming with a grey or a greenish tinge, the Blue Topaz is mostly free of inclusions. Coral colors include black (male fertility), pink (female fertility), red (aids conception, mother-child bonding), white (assists psychic development in children), and blue (inner child). The shape which shows the gemstone the most beautifully is taken as a picture. It is very expensive but in order to take advantage of physical and emotional, any class of red gem can be wear. The etheric body is strengthened and more closely integrated with the physical body. Agate (Aqeeq) Gem Stone in Urdu-English Specifications | Gem Gem Stones, Jewelry Designs: pin. Moonstone is a great balancing agent for the emotions as suggested by its strong connection with the moon. As gemstones have this much importance in one’s life, so everyone should know their gemstone names and gemstone meanings. All the pictures are taken with high-quality camera. Urdu se nikalti hai asli shaayari! The pictures on the list are mainly ores, beads, or loose stones. It helps restore balance in the emotions. She is wonderful. . It is effective against skin diseases and ulcers (both internal and external) and many people have faith that it has the capacity to give unqualified success to one who wears it. If you are looking for common gemstones, look around the top of the page. The middle of the page would be good for intermediate people and the bottom of the page would be good for advanced people. It also helps to strengthen the meridians, which physically strengthens the lymphatic system. GOLDEN HEALING PENDULUMS - Pendulums are made from a variety of materials including crystals, wood, glass, and metals. It is good for any abdominal complaints because it has a calming effect upon the emotions. Yes, geometry is sacred because nothing could be built in the natural world without it. Malachite opens the heart chakra and also helps balance the solar plexus chakra. Its colour is mostly pale but sometimes it is also intense blue in colour. Who should wear Amethyst? Biology is math. Healing properties vary depending on the color of the coral. That is why Urdu Point gives gemstone names in Urdu language. All the chakras, meridians and nadis are strengthened and aligned as are the subtle bodies. If you find a good gemstone for you, please check the details page. It is part of the British Crown Jewels.. CORAL - Coral is considered magical in the realm of crystals and gemstones. The gem increases beauty and calmness and it is widely used by astrologers worldwide. Urdu language boasts of some of the most beautiful words that you will ever hear. Ivory stimulates the skeletal and bone structure. It was also called opallios in Greek, meaning “to see a change in color,” pederos meaning “the child of love,” and paederos “the delicate complexion of a lovely youth.” It is a heart chakra stone.Aventurine is an Aries stone that opens the Third eye chakra. A beautiful gem which is most useful for those born under the Zodiac Sign Pisces. These same geometric patterns reside in our systems, organs, etc. It keeps the temper cool and makes one generous and kind hearted. Zoisite has been used as a powerful healing gemstone from ancient times, and it is still popular nowadays. Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. It improves the financial assets and gives financial stability. Reply. The emotional body is aligned with the mental body and the nadis and meridians are straightened. When it comes to providing earth-toned colors for women on a budget, citrine has no real competition. This can increase contact with the higher self. But they don't have the feel of gemstones which are real stone. Reduces Sexual desire. it stimulates the solar plexus chakra, and thus the emotional body. Wearing an alexandrite necklaces gemstone will help in improving health, both physically and mentally. Alexandrite also has meaning in some other chakra like in the “third eye” and “crown”. Furthermore, it stimulates nutrient absorption and tissue regeneration. LAPIS LAZULI - While it curtails the malefic effects of Saturn, Lapis Lazuli is used to fight depression and feeling of dullness. A genuine gemstone is the real thing much like a natural gemstone. It helps align the etheric astral and emotional bodies and strengthen the heart and kidney meridians. Onyx stimulates the base, solar plexus and throat chakras causing the balancing of receptive and aggressive qualities. One often experiences a flash of imagery around the past experience that initially caused the distortion. However, the stone isn't natural anymore if it was treated in some way to enhance its appearance. It has many colors and kinds also. Hence, turquoise strengthens the entire anatomy and is healing for all diseases. Star of India. Anonymous June 13, 2014 at 12:29 PM. Ruby also stimulates the quality of unconditional love and all the qualities of the heart chakra, i.e. Emerald balances the heart chakra. The Meaning Of Opal. However, a person feels better to communicate if he/she has a sufficient vocabulary. Clear Quartz is a strong thought amplifier. It is also an aid in the release of the kundalini energy. Gold is a universal symbol of value in the collective subconscious and promotes healing at a very deep level. For example, Aquamarine has many legends related to the ocean, so it is mentioned "Gemstone of the Ocean." he's a real gem definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, he's a real gem meaning explained, see also 'for real',real ale',real estate',real life', English vocabulary. References to the gem by Pliny the Elder suggest it may have related to Ops, the wife of Saturn and goddess of fertility. Who should wear it? It is an excellent stone for healers as it is a good general enhancer, balancing the healer's auric field. Aventurine affects the heart chakra and the thymus gland. Navajo people believed turquoise stones were pieces of the sky that had fallen to Earth. Florite is a source of flouride. This helps in strengthening the abdomen, pituitary, thymus, with a mild effect upon the pineal gland. Alexandrite Spiritual Meaning. Physically, rose quartz influences the circulatory system and the red corpuscles, it also stimulates unconditional love within the individual. It is best worn by the throat chakra. Chhalawa Meaning in Urdu - In the age of digital communication, it is better for any person to learn and understand multiple languages for the better communication. Check detailed meanings and price here `` gemstone of something. a of.: moonstone encourages communication by promoting clear thinking, inspiration and receptivity to your.... Amethyst is a heart chakra stone.Aventurine is an excellent heart-healing gemstone gemstone meanings & crystal properties Learn about healing,! 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