(Seacliff Context This policy reflects the Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated commitment to provide a safe environment where every person has the right to be treated with respect and is safe and protected from abuse. Victoria has introduced compulsory minimum standards for organisations that provide services for children to help protect children from abuse. ... Child Safe Standards colouring sheet (pdf) Child Safe Standards colouring sheet translations - available in Related resources at the bottom of this page. children across the implementation of all the standards. Gambling. The Commission respectfully acknowledges and celebrates the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Victoria and pays its respects to their Elders, children and … Calisthenics Victoria is also committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children living with a disability. The Victorian child safe standards support organisations to be safer for children by requiring organisations to implement policies and procedures to prevent, respond to and report allegations of child abuse. This is a legal requirement for sporting organisations of all sizes from grassroots clubs … The Victorian Child Safe Standards are a result of recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust inquiry and evidence of what works to prevent child abuse. 870 – Child Safe Standards. Children are defined in the standards as anyone un… Victoria’s children deserve nothing less. (��=;���'�����qL/T `E�+RE:�-���ƫt�dISJ�0�҅Т! standards>. 0000200993 00000 n
The Victorian Child Safe Standards are to be implemented by Faith Communities by 1 January 2017 to ensure the safety of children. Prepared by the Centre for Excellence in C hild and Family Welfare as a ... and contractors on the compulsory Child Safe Standards introduced in Victoria in 2015 to create and maintain child safe organisations. h�b```g``�����4%�A��X���Ck#� Royal Commission, Creating child safe institutions (the ‘ten standards’), Jul 2016 Australian Human Rights Commission, National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, Jun 2018 Royal Commission, Best practice principles in responding to complaints of child sexual abuse in institutional contexts, Mar 2016 0000194623 00000 n
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0000095606 00000 n
The Victorian Government is undertaking a review of the Child Safe Standards and the regulatory scheme that supports the Standards, to ensure that they are as strong as possible. On 26 November 20… 0000159570 00000 n
An overview of the Child Safe Standards, which have been introduced in Victoria to keep children safe from harm and abuse. 0000073802 00000 n
0000050978 00000 n
Royal Commission, Creating child safe institutions (the ‘ten standards’), Jul 2016 Australian Human Rights Commission, National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, Jun 2018 Royal Commission, Best practice principles in responding to complaints of child sexual abuse in institutional contexts, Mar 2016 The Victorian Government has committed to implementing all of the recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry. endobj
Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing. Child safe standards. �! 0000096022 00000 n
child abuse by religious and other non-government organisations. Embedding a culture of child safety through effective leadership. and/or regulated organisations with Child Safe Standards (the Standards). 2. 0000008994 00000 n
It provided 15 recommendations, including the introduction of child safe standards in Victoria to ensure child safe environments in organisations that work with children. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure this is the case. Child protection. The Standards The seven standards are: 1. �⌱���D?�P�@f)j�`?�e� �w s���qC',�x�!���GOB�bq㞍 Z��+,��Bw���& CU2ߜ�? "9�#�($�"pM���
G~D_JN��<>�u4�]�m1�������C[��o�J���RTW���B]Yk��dD�5A2,9��] To meet the child safe standards, all schools must comply with 57 requirements, which are designed to be flexible so schools apply them in their own setting. The Standards The seven standards are: 1. child safe standards The Victorian Government announced the introduction of compulsory Child Safe Standards for organisations which work with children in Victoria. 2. The Child Safe Standards. H��WIo����W�Q
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In Victoria the Child, Youth and Families Act 2005 is the legislation which covers the protection of children and young people. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture. 10 School Compliance with Victoria’s Child Safe Standards Victorian Auditor‐General’s Report In the 2006 ministerial statement of expectations, the Minister for Education stated that the regulator would conduct initial school registration assessments. Victoria’s Child Safe Standards are still law in Victoria and remain mandatory for organisations in accordance with the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic). and contractors on the compulsory Child Safe Standards introduced in Victoria in 2015 to create and maintain child safe organisations. Victoria’s Child Safe Standards are still law in Victoria and remain mandatory for organisations in accordance with the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic).Your organisation should keep building a child safe culture and keep complying with the Victorian Standards. Victoria mandated seven child safe standards for all organisations providing services and facilities to children. Children with disability experience an increased risk of abuse across all services and locations. 0000124553 00000 n
From 1 January 2017, the Child Safe Standards will apply to sporting organisations that operate and provide sporting services to children within Victoria (including National Sporting Organisations). It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure this is the case. Portarlington Primary School is committed to implementing the Child Safe Standards. %)�t <>
In substance, Victoria’s Standards are closely aligned with the National Principles. ��
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Victorian organisations that provide services or facilities for children are required by law to implement Child Safe Standards to protect children from harm. The child safe standards strengthen existing approaches to preventing and responding to child abuse and aim to create a culture where protecting children from abuse is part of everyday thinking and practice. 0000002563 00000 n
The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) are compulsory minimum standards for all organisations that provide services to children including Victorian schools. 2 0 obj
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Children have the right to be safe and protected, including at school. 3 0 obj
The Royal Commission recommended 10 child safe standards, drawing on its findings and extensive research and consultation about what makes organisations child safe. Child abuse, and arrangements that allow it to occur, will not be tolerated. 2. Embedding a culture of child safety through effective leadership. Victoria's road safety strategy and road safety camera program. The implementation and effectiveness of Victoria’s child safe standards together with our views on the national harmonisation of child safe standards in Australia. Your organisation should keep building a child safe culture and keep complying with the Victorian Standards. ���4Pr�>hT��D����3D��'��4?�p��Mǰ��(Ëѱ� j�4]lN��b�$��OǢ��&�eД�����ܑ,Z,�`M��'*�4M�͑���!%n�� 3IN��W)�N %PDF-1.7
operation of Victoria’s child safe standards and associated regulatory framework. These standards come with core components to help your organisation implement each standard. Here’s what you need to know; Amendments to the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act came into effect on the 27th February 2018, and are designed to clarify the operation of the Reportable Conduct Scheme and Child Safe Standards. If a child is in immediate danger call the Police on 000 (Triple Zero) For immediate concerns and to report abuse, contact the Police and/or the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Southern on 1300 655 795 / (after hours) 13 12 78 The same process applies for concerns about the behaviour of a City of Casey employee, contractor or volunteer. %PDF-1.5
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